A4: Frontiers in Smart Workplaces
Lecturers: Mitsubishi Estate Company, Limited, MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC Corporation, ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION, MITSUBISHI ESTATE, Azbil Corporation, ITOKI CORPORATION
- The Academy for Super Smart Society
Miki Mikami, Takuya Furuhashi, Yoshihiko Matsumoto, Chikara Kanda, Ryota Dazai, Kei Akiyama, Taichi Miyamae
- SSS.S404
- 1
- English
About Course
Would you like to join us in creating unique and innovative ideas using your expertise to work toward the realization of Super Smart Society? Specialist lecturers from companies and organizations participating in the Super Smart Society Promotion Consortium will provide you with on-demand lectures on how to achieve a smart workplace that is being transformed through COVID-19, mixed with initiatives, challenges, and actual examples.
What is required concerning the control of the built environment and workplace building equipment to realize a super-smart society? Learn about cutting-edge initiatives, case studies, and social issues of related companies!
The evaluation of your academic achievement will be made through online discussions with other students after the lectures, which will be delivered every week.
Course Schedule
Lecture 1: Future cities from Mitsubishi Estate’s vision
Lecture 2: Center of Workplace: Office
Lecture 3: Place where work and rest coexist: House
Lecture 4: Place that is neither office nor home: Third Place
Lecture 5: Automated control to support smart workplaces
Lecture 6: Design of work styles for workers
Lecture 7: Design for student learning
講師 / Instructor

Yoshihiko Matsumoto

Taichi Miyamae
Dgital Technology Deveiopmento Department, Dgital Transformation DivisionITOKI CORPORATION

Ryota Dazai
Integrated Building Automation System Department Marketing Headquarters Building Systems CompanyAzbil corporation

Takuya Furuhashi
Living Environment Systems LaboratoryMitsubishi Electric Corporation

Miki Mikami
Manager Area Management Planning DepartmentMITSUBISHI ESTATE

Chikara Kanda