Introduction to Computer Science and Programming
The term “Computation” refers to the action performed by a computer. A computation can be a basic operation and it can also be a sophisticated computer simulation requiring a large amount of data and substantial resources. This course aims at introducing learners with no prior knowledge to the basic key concepts of computer science. By following the lectures and exercises of this course, you will gain an understanding of algorithms by programming using the language Ruby.

- 5 weeks
- 2-3 hours / unit
- Free
- Self-paced
- Computer Science and Engineering
- English
- Introductory
- None required
- Not available
Welcome to Introduction to Computer Science and Programming!
In this course, you will learn about the basic and key concepts of computer science while experiencing how to program and design “computational algorithms.” This is the revised version of the initial Japanese course release. All video lectures and learning materials in this course are provided in English.
Let’s get started!
Who is Professor Watanabe ?
Professor Osamu Watanabe has been the executive vice president for research at Tokyo Institute of Technology since April 1, 2018. He started his journey as a student at Tokyo Institute of Technology and earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the Department of Information Sciences in 1980 and 1982 respectively, and then he received his doctoral degree from the Department of Computer Science in 1987.
You will need to have an edX account to enroll in this course. Please create an edX account if you do not already have one.
This course is produced and offered by The Academy of Super Smart Society and the Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning.
†Super Smart Society: a society where the various needs of society are finely differentiated and met by providing the necessary products and services in the required amounts to the people who need them when they need them, and in which all the people can receive high-quality services and live a comfortable, vigorous life that makes allowances for their differences such as age, sex, region, or language. (Cabinet Office, Government of Japan, 2016)
Big data, data-mining and AI are commonly used terms world-wide these days. We are now able to “compute” various things with computers, and it allows us to use big data and AI technology effectively. Computer Science is a field where the usage of computers and “computations” have continuously evolved. In this course, you will learn the essence of computer science. You will obtain an overview of cutting-edge computer science as well as learn the basics and introductory level knowledge of computer science, while experiencing, designing and writing your own simple programs.
・What is data (corresponding to an atom of data)?
・What is a computation (the one that corresponds to the atom of the computation)?
・Basic information security: encryption, decryption, and crypto-breaking
・Private key cryptosystems and public key cryptosystems
・Representative examples of utilization of computations in present society (Computer simulation, Data mining)
・Installation of software and the programming environments (editor, shell)
・How to use the programming environments (editor, shell) for computations
・Basic programming using “Ruby on Rails,” a programming language
Quiz 100%
*Completion requirement: above 60%
2-3 hours / unit
講師 / Instructor